Key Takeaways
- Annotating a book helps to form a deeper relationship with it.
- You may easily annotate through – highlighting, underlining, doodling, writing, or using sticky notes and a journal.
- You may summarize, draw emojis, or write your ideas and emotions while annotating.
- The e-books can also be annotated using several tools and applications.
“If I had to choose between talking to a human or a book, I would choose the latter, a thousand times over.”
(Anonymous Writer)
What I’m about to say, only a book lover can understand. Every book has a specific personality, emotions, and thought process.
The attempt to annotate books and their text features is just a way to connect with them and form a deeper relationship with them.
After all, if the Half-Blood Prince could do it in his potions book, then why can’t we?
But exactly how to annotate a book? I will come to that. But first, let’s start with its meaning.
What Does an Annotated Book Mean?
So, what does an annotated book mean? In the simplest terms, it means to make a separate marking on a book to help you remember something specific.
But then, what specific part could you want to remember? Well, mostly it is either of the three things:
- Important information: It is helpful to mark important information in books that educate, like personal training books.
- Feelings to remember: In a fiction book, sometimes a part triggers a specific feeling in you. Annotating helps to relieve that feeling while re-reading the book.
- Quotes and prose: You may also mark good quotes and prose in your book for future reference.
However, exactly why you should annotate books when you can simply enjoy passive reading?
Why Annotate Books?
There are several strong reasons why you should annotate books for fun. Some of them would be:
- Annotation of books helps in active reading.
- It helps to form feelings of connection with the book.
- Great for future reference.
- Helps with writing, especially if you are a high school student looking to write on persuasive essay topics.
- Build your observation skills.
However, it is important to understand how to annotate books if you want to do it the right way.
How to Annotate a Book?
Let’s find out the answer to the most important question, “How to annotate a book?” As a reader, you may do it through the following book annotation ideas:
- Highlighting: You can use different colored highlighters to mark texts in your book. Each of these colors may have a different meaning for you.

- Underlining: Using a pencil to underline is the simplest method of all. Check out the following annotated book example.

- Drawing brackets: Draw different shape brackets enclosing the text, with each shape having a specific meaning for you.

- Circling: You may circle the words that you find interesting and may want to come back to later.

- Writing: To have an in-depth conversation with the text, you may ‘write’, to annotate books for fun. Take a look at the following annotated book example.

- Dog-earing: Wondering how to annotate books simply? Just fold the page.

- Doodling: Especially if it’s the high school books, doodling is a popular way for book annotation. Just draw some symbols (which means something to you!) near the text you want to annotate.

How to Annotate a Book Without Writing in it?
If you do not want to use any of the above methods for annotating a book, it is understandable. For some, it might look like a messy affair.
However, if you wonder how to annotate books without ruining them, try one of the methods below:
- Sticky notes: Buying sticky notes from an e-commerce store and using them for writing text is a less messy way to connect with a book.

- Sticky tabs: The sticky tabs can be used to highlight a particular page or paragraph in your book without actually writing in it.

- Reading journal: A separate notebook can also be used as a reading journal to note down important thoughts and points. This method is especially effective if you are using an audiobook subscription service to enjoy a book.

Thus, you need not worry about how to annotate a book; there are tons of methods for you to use.
How to Annotate a Book for Fun?
There are some ways that can be used to annotate a book just for fun. These methods are:
- Using sticky notes to write jokes related to the content.
- Using a reading journal to draw alternate story plots.
- Doodling, as if one is communicating with the book.
What to Annotate in a Book?
It is not easy to decide what to annotate in a book. However, you may do some or all of the following:
- Summarize: At the end of every page/lesson, summarize what you learned from it. It is especially important for those of you with above-average reading speed, as you might forget everything towards the book’s end.
- New Words: Mark the complex words that are new to you to remember their usage and meaning.
- Draw emojis: Drawing emojis is a wonderful way to remember how you actually felt while reading a specific paragraph/line in the book.
- References to look later: Especially for nonfiction books, it will be helpful to mark the text that you will want to check later from other sources.
- Random thoughts: This is the best way to communicate with your book. Just write your random thoughts along with the texts.
- Predictions: It is one of the fun ways for fiction readers to write predictions for the plot and characters.
- Editing: For pro-readers, writing an alternate, better version of the events might also be a fun way of annotating a book.
- Ideas: If you are reading a book to find your own ideas for writing, you might doodle them along the book’s paragraphs.
Thus, if you worry about what to annotate in a book, feel free to attempt anything that makes you a little closer to those pages.
What do Good Annotations Look Like?
There are some key qualities that make for good annotations.
- It does not ruin the book and its key texts.
- The annotation has a specific purpose.
- It is related to the content of the book.
- The annotation will still be relatable to the reader in the distant future.
Book Annotation Color Key
Maintaining a book annotation color key is highly useful for readers who use different color highlighters or sticky notes.
You may individually decide what a color means to you while annotating a book. However, there is a specific meaning for every color, listed below:
If you are reading your book online, it becomes even easier to use colors in the text with the help of a bionic reading app.
What is a Book Annotation Kit?
A book annotation kit may contain a variety of materials you need to make a connection with those pages. Some of these materials are listed below:
- Sticky notes
- Annotation bookmark
- Different color highlighters
- Note cards
- Book annotation guide
- Color key
- Pens and pencils
It is the simplest things in life that give the most pleasure. If you’re a student who wants to add fun to education, you do not need to use a complex platform like Blooket Join.
Just simply make your own book annotation color key and start doodling in your book.
Book Annotation Guide: Which Books to Annotate?
A book annotation guide can help you to decide exactly which books to annotate, and have fun with. Below are some key points that you must consider:
- Do book annotations on those pages that you are planning to re-read in the future.
- Pages that you dislike can also be chosen, as they help you with greater self-understanding about your ideas and opinions.
- Annotate nonfiction books to note down your key learnings from them.
- Annotate fiction books to build a greater understanding of the plot, characters, and general human emotions.
Next time, whenever you read a book, use the above book annotation guide to help you make that precious connection.
How to Annotate Books Online?
With the recent popularity of e-books, several platforms have started supporting readers if they want to annotate books online.
It does not matter whether you use a platform like Kindle Unlimited, Z-library, or even LibGen alternatives; you can annotate any book that you like.
Following are some platforms to do it online.
- Adobe Reader: It helps to do book annotations with downloaded PDF files.
- Light PDF: A simpler version of Adobe, that works on offline e-books.
- HyLighter: Best for color-coded highlighting of text.
- PDF-XChange: Best variety of annotation features.
Thus, to do book annotations online, the only thing that you need to do is find the right application and start exploring.
To Sum it Up
As to the question, “How to annotate a book?”, the answer is pretty simple. Highlight, underline, write, or doodle. You may annotate anything that comes to your mind – a question, idea, emotion, or imagery.
Just remember that if you annotate books for fun, it must be done without creating a mess.
Ans: It is not bad to not annotate books. Every reader has their own way of enjoying a book. If you can enjoy it without annotating, you should do it that way.
Ans: Annotating books may ruin their freshness and look. However, if you are going to be the only reader of a book and you do not mind some doodling or highlighting, you may annotate.
Ans: Teachers make their students annotate books so that they can have a deeper understanding of the text and quickly recall the important elements in it when they re-read that book later.
Ans: The students might hate annotating because of the extra effort it requires. However, as a teacher, you must encourage students to annotate to help in the development of their thought processes.
Ans: Underlining, circling, and using brackets are the fastest ways to annotate books.
Ans: There are no set criteria. But however long, an annotation should not mess with the actual look and text of the book.