“If the child is not learning the way you are teaching, then you must teach in the way the child learns”
~ Rita Dunn (Educator)
This quote by Dunn conveys the core message that every child is unique in their own way, and their learning pattern varies from others.
It’s about not simply teaching the child but giving your child the education in the best possible way by taking into account all the differences that make your child unique.
In fact, 54% of teachers in the U.S. strongly agree that game-based learning is a very influential fun method to help kids learn fast and better (Source: Research.com, 2024)
I understand as parents or educators, you are willing to give your everything to make your children succeed in learning fields, and with this strategy, you can even make them do so.
Continue to read to uncover more effective methods that can assist you in preparing young minds for academic success.
Fundamentals of Early Learning
This section would assist you in understanding how a child should be nurtured, and an understanding of various aspects of development that should be addressed – mental, emotional, physical, and social.
The Major Phases in the Growth of Children
The development process of children passes through certain phases involving mental, emotional, and physical, and understanding these milestones is a major part of parenting.
The key milestones include:
- 0-1 Years: In this phase, they make an effort to recognize faces and simple patterns.
- 1-3 Years: As they turn to this age, they go ahead to explore objects; beginning of symbolic thinking.
- 3-5 Years: Moving to five, their memory power and attention span increase, and they begin to understand basic concepts such as numbers and colors.
During this time, children’s capabilities on cognitive, emotional, and social are altered through different activities performed by them.
Place of Fun in Learning
There’s no doubt that children love to play but what if you could change their favorite activities into the major source of learning?
Yes, it is absolutely possible, and various schools such as The Blue Coat School in Birmingham have adopted this trick to make learning more engaging.
This strategy not only boosts creativity but also increases socialization and provides emotional strength, which is necessary for learning and individual growth.
Take a look at the graph below, which shows the projected 9.6% CAGR growth in early childhood education from 2023 to 2028, highlighting its increasing importance.
Creating an Encouraging Environment
If you wish for your children to succeed in school, you should foster a supporting atmosphere at your home too.
Such an atmosphere comprises both an uplifting environment at home and encouraging teachers or mentors who can help your child on their educational journey.
Uplifting Environment At Home
Have you ever tried discussing school with your child? Well, asking questions so as to hear what your child thinks or wants to say can go a long way.
Some of the set of processes that form the frame of a supportive environment include:
- Engage your children’s school days: After your children come from school, ask them about their day at school and encourage them to speak their minds.
- Availability of Major Resources: The second thing is to ensure that your children are being educated in an atmosphere that is rich in essential materials, such as a book or a computer.
So, it’s pivotal when picking up one for your little ones, you must look for the following characteristics in them:
1. Nurturing Supportive System
The first and foremost quality of the teacher to be paid attention to if they can provide your children with necessary emotional and academic support.
2. Passionate and love to teach
Look for mentors who are passionate about the work they do because if they love their work, your children’s world will be filled with different opportunities.
3. Build Connection and Trust
Essentially all relationships have the element of trust, and it is the most significant trait in any bond.
Hence, it is preferable to find a teacher who does not shy away from cultivating a trustful relationship with your kid.
The powerful notion of trust makes the child feel secure and bold, emboldening them to take risks and challenges in learning.
Do You Know?
In today’s time, 74% of teachers are incorporating digital game-based learning (gamification) into their lessons.
Curriculum Design and Implementation
In your role as parents and teachers, you understand that the process of crafting an adequate curriculum is primal to the success of the child.
Though it can be challenging, and even time-consuming, once you prepare yourself with an effective plan, you can deal with the process quite easily.
Appropriate Learning Materials and Objectives
To ensure that your children feel excited and grasp the lessons easily, the materials that you have got for them must be of their age and interests.
Let’s understand it with an example – Educators and even parents can take the assistance of pictures, visuals, diagrams, and interactive activities related to the subject, to help children find interest in learning.
Also, don’t compel them to stick to the same varieties of books, it can lead to boredom, and they might lose interest in learning.
Offering a range of books, especially those that instill the picture stories will promote their appetite to read, and explore more topics.
Adaptive Teaching Strategies
Parents and teachers, imagine the effect of joining efforts in order to encourage the child’s education!
At the house, you can promote learning by using suitable materials and learning tech tools that are designed, specifically for the children.
On the other hand, at school, teachers can employ relevant methods suited to the children’s way of learning.
Thus, when you both work together and exchange ideas and information, your child has the most suitable environment to grow up and prosper!
Engaging Families and Communities
The involvement of both families and communities has a major impact on the growth and success of the child.
Parental Involvement in Education
As a parent, your participation matters the most in the educational life of your children if you are praying for their success.
The gestures and efforts such as taking time to help them with homework, attending parent-teacher meetings, and making contact with teachers show how much the schooling of your children matters to you.
That will even encourage your little ones to be confident, active, and willing to accept new tasks at school.
The Support of the Resources Provided by Communities
It is worth highlighting that communities have a lot to offer in regard to supporting children in their education.
The child’s local libraries, after-school program, and community center give the juvenile more chances to develop an interest in new skills
Such resources make learning even more interesting and even enhance the kid’s performance both in school and out of school.
The Bottom Line!!
The bottom line is that each child is different in terms of learning, and framing their learning requirements can clearly assist in youth development.
You can make learning enjoyable, as well as efficient, if you employ innovative ways of instruction such as active participation and differential instruction.
Keep in mind that your involvement is a big factor in their success, and also be sure to be patient in the process.
I’m confident with the right strategies and attitude your children will be able to achieve optimal academic performance!